Miller Rein Willmott

Miller is 6 months old, is a very happy confidant baby! He absolutely loves meeting new people and is very layback.


Damir is a very active, cheerful and lively boy. It is impossible not to fall in love with him at first sight.

George Henry mostran

George has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is the happiest little baby. He has had one shoot which he was perfect for, done 3 outfit changes and loved every minute of it.

Sàyah True Hasan

Sàyah True is 13 months and was diagnosed with T21 Down’s syndrome, She is a beautiful baby full or laughs and smiles and absolutely loves the camera

Ivy-Nancy Butler

Hey my name is Ivy-Nancy am now 8 months old I love the camera ! I have blue eyes and Auburn hair.

Angela Egbikuadje

I am smart and photogenic. With the support of my parent and the team, we can exceed the clients expectations.

Cooper Wright

Cooper is a 4 and half month old baby. He has never worked in the modelling world before but is a very happy and smiley photogenic baby.

Luca Thomas Yousefi

Luca is a calm, confident and happy baby who’s amazing with unfamiliar faces. He’s half British, half Iranian. He loves the attention!